Regardless of how you got here, we are thankful you did! Everything is growing! Our son, Leo, is the first (human) addition to our family. He joins two cats and his parents that makeup the Petkoffs2Japan mission! With this growth comes two big needs:
We want to move. While we’ve been making our current place work, we would love a room for Leo that can fit more than just his crib and have more space for hosting. Our location has served us well these last few years, so as much as possible, we want to remain in the same area to maintain the roots we’ve grown if nothing else! Nick is actively looking high and low for options that fit our needs and budgets. We are not expecting a massive expense outside what you might see for a move as we use rentals, but we could still use the help to offset those one-time expenses. We are looking at about $2,000 to see it done.
Next is the transport: Until now, we have been using one rundown bicycle for all our daily needs. However, we are in need of Japanese-style 'family transport' now. Nick has found moving the bike with a baby, groceries, etc. getting increasingly challenging, especially when faced with hills!
The average for these run about $1,000 dollars, not including tax, registration, etc... Would you help us out with buying our very first 'family car'?
Below is a GoFundMe link. If you’d rather give directly, that’s great too! Get in touch via replying to the email you got, or by using the “contact us” link near the top of this page.